The I AM Experience – London

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Date(s) - 05/18/2013
All Day

How to Access Your Infinite Awakened Mastery

You are so much more than what you’ve been led to believe or what you’ve been told. You are not the product of circumstances or situations. You are not limited by your hardships or stories. You are an infinite being with an unlimited capacity to excel in every area of life. You have been called to remember your Infinite Awakened Mastery. 

As an infinite being, you have already been imprinted with your I AM Presence. Now, you have been divinely guided to become a clear channel for your greatest expression. You are more than your perceptions. You are only limited by the weight of your judgments that impede the natural harmony of your mind, body and spirit.

Vibrational Catalyst Panache Desai’s 3-day acceleration, The I AM Experience, will give you direct access to the truth of your being—limitless self-love and empowerment.

During this profoundly moving, insightful and fun interactive weekend, Panache will ignite your innate mastery through his gift of vibrational transformation, empowering you with a wealth of energetic tools and technologies designed to unlock your infinite potential.

Through dynamic energetic work, guided meditations, insightful discussions, daily tools, and time for integration, you will learn to:

• Activate the conscious recognition of your authentic, infinite nature
• Discover your purpose and how you are here to express it
• Access your personal power to make profound shifts and life-long changes. Integrate the judgments, stories and beliefs that have held you back from a life of purpose, peace and joy
• Shift your perception from ego-centric to soul-centered
• Expand your vibrational resonance to align with the highest possible outcome for your life

The I AM Experience is your opportunity to touch the deepest part of yourself and harness the power of limitless possibilities and put them to work in your life. This is not just a workshop, but an invitation to live your greatest expression.

Royal Over-Seas League
Park Place, St James’s Street
London, UK SW1A 1LR
Phone: 0207 408 0214 x217

$699 Event Fee Includes:
Full 3-Day Access and Lunch on Saturday, May 18 

Event Schedule:
• Friday, May 17:  7pm – 9:30pm
• Saturday, May 18: 10am – 6pm
• Sunday: May 19: 9am – 1pm

Lodging Options:
*Rates subject to change
Recommended link from ROSL: Later Rooms:

Royal Over-Seas Lounge
*Limited single rooms available at the conference location
Rates: £155.00 per night (continental breakfast and VAT included).
Contact: 0207 408 0214 ext. 217 or e-mail

Hanover Hotel Victoria
Distance: 1.0 miles
Rates: £105.00 +

London Mayfair Holiday Inn
Distance: 1.5 miles

The Cavendish
Distance: .6

London Community Board
Need information about the London I AM Experience Event? Looking to share a room or transportation?
Click here to visit our London Community Board.

Additional Dates and Locations for The I AM Experience in 2013:
Chicago:  August 9-11
New York:  November 8-10

Price Conversion: £455