Healing With The Masters Interview

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Date(s) - 05/14/2013
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Healing With The Masters Interview

Date:  Tuesday May 14 / Time:  7:00 PM – 8:00 PM ET

What’s keeping you from living a miraculous life? The answer lies in your willingness to invoke a simple truth that will forever shift your vibration and frequency. I AM.

I AM miraculous. With this declaration a dynamic shift in your energy and frequency occurs opening the doors to all that the universe has been trying to deliver you your entire life.

You are so much more than what is apparent to your five senses. You are an energetic being in a state of constant flux and shift. Your expansion into “more” is accomplished when you lighten the burden of vibrational density that keeps you weighed down in a life of limitation while increasing your exposure to frequencies that resonate at a higher resonance. 

How can you check where you are on this vibrational scale?  How does your life currently look?  The universe constantly plays back to you the energy that you are putting out into the world.  Yes, you are that powerful!

Shift everything beginning right now. You are being called to move into more… more love, greater abundance, better health, deeper connection and with today’s call, Panache, a catalyst for vibrational transformation, will inspire you with the truth of your infinite Beingness and vibrationally remind you of all that is possible.

Panache Desai is a true master, avatar, and prophet. He is real, human, and present for each member of his audience, authentic to the core. Simply being in his presence will change you.” 
                    -Jennifer McLean. Creator McLean Masterworks. Healing with the Masters.


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