As a child, you felt you could do or be anything. The world was your oyster. Your imagination soared, your creativity flourished and refrigerator drawings and living room concerts abounded.
As you grew older, however, more and more responsibilities became the norm and your knowingness of who you are and why you are here began to fade. You lost sight of your purpose and can’t seem to find it.
Child, meet adulthood, a place where this beautiful mindset of possibility too often gets dismantled by the ego’s attempts to keep you from pursuing your noble dreams.
You work hard, you push and pull at the strings of what people tell you is necessary in order to be truly happy. Grasping at straws, you look outside of yourself for something that might bring a sense of lasting contentment. The search for your purpose is put on hold to fulfill other obligations until one day, you wake up and ask yourself, “What happened to the dreams of my childhood?”
My sweet friend, those dreams are embers in your heart and you can bring them back to life.
Your Divine Purpose is just waiting to be re-discovered. And once rekindled through complete inner connection combined with a dynamic outer expression, your purpose can become fully realized.
Just Imagine…
Meet Panache Desai – Your Vibrational Catalyst and Teacher
Panache is a transformational catalyst who guides people to access their authentic, essential nature. He has a global community of more than 500,000 and has appeared with Oprah Winfrey on her Emmy Award-winning series Super Soul Sunday as well as the OWN Series Help Desk.
He has collaborated and worked alongside industry leaders like Deepak Chopra, Iyanla Vanzant, Arianna Huffington, Ram Dass, Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith, Gregg Braden, Joe Dispenza, Neale Donald Walsch, Elizabeth Lesser, Brian Weiss, Alan Cohen and James Redfield.
Panache has been the featured keynote speaker at I Can Do It, Celebrate Your Life, The Sun Valley Wellness Festival and a featured speaker at Arianna Huffington’s Third Metric Conference.
He is a frequent contributor to numerous online publications and is on faculty at the Omega Institute and Kripalu Center. Panache is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, and has addressed the United Nations. His first book, Discovering Your Soul Signature: A 33-Day Path to Purpose, Passion and Joy, is a bestseller and is now in its 6th reprint. It has been translated into 10 languages.
Panache is a successful spiritual entrepreneur, devoted husband, father of four, and son. He has been on a spiritual path for 37 years. He brings a multifaceted approach with deep experience and a profound energetic connection to all his work. The insights Panache shares are rooted in ancient teachings combined with modern principles of quantum physics. His perspective is refreshingly non-judgmental, approachable and expansive– truly meeting you where you are and enabling you to grow from there.
Over 21 days, you’ll be supported and energetically expanded to align with your authentic Self so that you can experience lasting fulfillment. You’ll be given the teachings and activations necessary to achieve your dreams with grace and ease. You will learn what it takes to thrive every single day and live a life that feels complete.
The foundation of Panache’s 21-day programs is his unique gift to you as he holds you in compassionate energetic expansion and connection all day, every day, during the program. This energy creates a space for you to grow and tap into your most expansive potential. Throughout the program, you are held in the energy of expansion.
In addition to this constant flood of supportive energy, Panache will spend 21 minutes each day focusing on you, aligning your being with the transformative gifts that will awaken within you throughout the course of the program.
Each day throughout the program, Panache’s daily wisdom will be delivered to you via email. Your daily teaching will be revealed early each morning and with it, a unique video recording that vibrationally anchors each insight within your being. They are also available through your Program Access Page for your reference.
Panache will activate the awareness of your authentic Self, laying the foundation for a program rooted in the strongest foundation of expansion and connection.
Over 21 days, you will continue to build on your ability to align and connect with the divine pure consciousness within you. It is from this place that you begin to thrive. Join Panache for 60 minutes of foundational guidance and dynamic present moment immersion.
This is where you begin. The moment you register, you’ll receive a powerful 21-minute, downloadable, energetic activation created to support you in aligning with the highest breakthrough possible and moving toward dynamic enlightenment.
Listen to this vibrationally encoded recording as often as you’d like knowing that with each successive listening, you are expanding your ability to fully embody all that you are.
The foundation of this program is the stillness practice that you will prioritize each morning and evening. During each of the three weeks, you will receive 2 NEW 21-MINUTE MEDITATIONS per week to anchor the teachings shared by Panache and expand your stillness practice to empower you to live in energetic expansion.
Sitting in stillness with these dynamic tools each day allows you to let go of all that is no longer serving you and align with your authentic Self. With each consecutive exposure, you are opening up your capacity to fully receive the greater blessings that are being shared. Prioritize you. Find time to be in silence and commit to a practice of stillness. It is there that the whispers of your heart can be heard most clearly. These meditations are downloadable and yours to keep.
Panache has provided a new Silent Presence Session to listen to nightly – each week – during the course of this program. You are invited to relax and expand into your infinite nature as you are vibrationally supported in experiencing the breakthroughs you need to remain fully connected and on the path to thriving in every area of your life. These sessions are downloadable and yours to keep.
Panache delivers a unique, weekly 10-minute Frequency Fix designed specifically for the needs of the group. Three meditations will be delivered to you, one per week, to continue to shine the light of awareness on your experience. Each is a powerful vibrational tool created for you to be used over and over again.

“I feel blessed beyond words. The changes I have experienced through Panache’s programs are cumulative and beyond anything I alone would have the capacity to change. From my perspective, it can only happen through grace.”
“For the first time ever I received a work contract. I gained connection with myself even during an intense date. My day to day routine is now an experience of total harmony.”
“In the 20 + years that I have been studying Spirituality, your programs have made the biggest positive change in me.”
“The three best things that happened to me because of the program… I experienced a calm energy throughout a very challenging work/life transition, I received an immediate flood of professional opportunities that appeared as gifts, and I am able to remain present while being with family – seeing all as bliss without judgment.”
“Quite simply, I am not the same person as I was at the start of this 21 Day program.”
Ask Yourself…
Join vibrational catalyst Panache Desai on a journey toward dynamic enlightenment. It’s never too late to say yes to living a life that’s fulfilling, joyful and abundant. Give yourself the vibrational gift of 21-days to start the year with intention and honor your journey toward dynamic enlightenment.

Disclaimer: The information provided in Panache’s programs is not offered as medical or psychological advice and should not be considered medical or psychological advice. It is not intended to replace your relationship with your health care providers nor should you stop taking any medication. Always seek the advice of a physician or qualified health care professional regarding any mental, physical, or emotional conditions