Panache’s engaging 4-part livestream series, The Sacred Union of Sexes, evokes a vibrational conversation inclusive of both sexes regarding their own inherent male and female energies, rockets our vibrational frequency, and explains the vital importance of creating a beautiful synergy between the divine feminine and masculine in our lives.
Livestream #1
The Perception Purge: Letting Go Of Outdated Ideas
Release all the preconceived notions of who you need to be so the powerful balance of divine feminine and masculine can occur. Panache’s vibrational exercises will allow you to release yourself from old conditioning and perceptions around gender roles and direct your energy toward a new vision of your true masculine and feminine presence.
Livestream #2
Birthing The Perfect Balance
When both energies come together in harmony and give birth to serenity inside us, our divine perfection and love can fully shine forth and illuminate the world. Panache’s gift of vibrational transformation helps bring our male and female energies back into equilibrium, creating an alchemy that can not only support balanced relationships with the people closest to you but also ignite a deeper cultural, biological, and spiritual revolution across the globe.
Livestream #3
Leaning In Without Holding Back
No matter your sex, if you feel embracing your inner divine feminine means playing small, not being worthy of speaking up, or hiding your inherent power, you’re incorrect. It’s time for both women and men to strike up a partnership between their valuable masculine and feminine spirits, evolve beyond the gender roles of yesteryear, so you can show up appropriately in every moment – not in just one role but as a whole and integrated human being.
Livestream #4
Quitting the Circus: How to Stop Juggling and Start Living
Women, whether they are in their masculine and feminine energy, are master multitaskers. They run the everyday circus of their lives by being juggler, lion tamer, tight rope walker, animal clean up crew, and ringmaster- sometimes all at once. Constantly hurrying, over compensating, and trying to get too many things done, women run themselves ragged trying to keep all the balls in the air. Multitasking is arduous and that level of stress causes your vibrational energy to contract dramatically. If you feel your always being shot out of the cannon, it’s time to relinquish control, retire from the big top and just sit and enjoy the show.