Watch online or download via your webcast archives and watch at your convenience.
This 4 hour course will be taught via webcast technology over two evenings, for 2 hours each. Connect with Panache from the comfort of your own home over the computer. He will experientially guide you to fully discover and experience the greater power and potential of this vibrational field of possibility. And to continue to anchor these teachings through wisdom, exercises and activations, you will receive one-year UNLIMITED ACCESS to this inspirational material via your Webcast Archives. Therefore if your schedule prevents you from attending this two-night conference, you will be able to access the course at your convenience and watch it again and again, as often as you like, for 365 days, at any time of the day or night.
Here’s What’s Being Delivered in ILLUMINATION Professional Development Course
We want you to be as excited as you are intrigued by the material, vibrational integrity and personal potential available to you through this course, so here is a preview of what will be shared:
• Create the Energetic Foundation for the New Paradigm of Business, Career and Success
• Activate, Access and Harness the Full Vibrational Potential of Your Body, Mind and Spirit
• Clear the neuropathways that Keep you Limited in Old Ways of Business Practices that Don’t Produce
• Energetically Aligned and Attuned to the Vibrational Field of Potential
• Vibrationally Upgraded with a New, Divine Operating System, an Infinite Divine ProtocolTM
• Anchored in a Practice of Presence That Connects You to Inner Wisdom
• Navigate Challenging Situations With Ease
• Access Tools to Align to the Evolving Energy Field
• Introduce Fun and Joy into Your Way of Being to Achieve Maximum Performance