Panache Desai - Deep Density Detox April 2015

Deep Density Detox – April 2015

Are you ready to bloom?
There’s a distinct, energetic shift that occurs when spring is in the air. This seasonal renaissance stirs a powerful human evolutionary impulse to start clean, fresh, and new. While the days grow longer once again, green buds and bulbs remain tenderly folded away under the earth, like the promise of a present waiting to be opened. Spring is the very essence of rejuvenation and rebirth, the time for neutralizing old patterns that no longer serve you and introducing positive transformation. However, simply making a vow to change your life doesn’t always last. What’s required is a deep energetic overhaul – a vibrational renovation that creates the greatest opening for possibility you can experience. You need a potent vibrational breakthrough to dissipate the toxic blockages and built up emotional residue that keep you from blossoming into your divine glory.

Practical Solutions For An Empowered You
There may be areas of life where you long to see a dramatic change. You want to lose weight and get healthy, land a great job that pays well or find a loving, caring partner. These dreams are near and dear to your heart, but they seem far away or impossible. The Deep Density Detox addresses more than just your desire to change. It’s a program that helps you recognize, until you address and detox the underlying vibrational density clinging to your psyche, the extra pounds won’t budge. Your bank balance will not increase. Your relationships will not improve. And most unfortunately, the brilliant, luminous expression you were born with will not shine forth and illuminate the world.

Each day is an invitation to heal and transform – an undeniable call to flourish and grow. By making the decision to scour the deeper layers of your being, you awaken to a whole new perspective on your life. Your dreams are not impossible. They are your birthright. It’s time to go deep, make a clean sweep, and create space for your most authentic self to bloom.

Join Panache for the Deep Density Detox and spring into your best life with clarity and joy!

Click here to learn more