Panache’s Global Telecourse, LIVING FEARLESSLY, brings his innovative online classroom to you.
How many excuses do you have to explain away your aversion to going “all in” and living the full and fearless expression of your true self?
- “I don’t have time…”
- “I didn’t get enough schooling
- “I’ve made too many mistakes…”
- “I’m too old…”
Are you aware that the emotion of fear is placing a stranglehold on your life? This is your wake up call to move out of your comfort zone, stop living in fear and start living with fear.
Panache’s 5-part LIVING FEARLESSLY 2015 Global Telecourse is an online program that empowers you to forge a completely new relationship with fear. Insightful, effective vibrational teachings and tools allow you to address this energy head on, allowing you to expand into new, exciting opportunities and possibilities. By the end of the course you will navigate fearful situations with greater grace. You will meet fearful interactions with spaciousness and love. As the vibrational density around fear continues to dissolve, you will be empowered to let your life become the great adventure you always knew it could be.
What do you long to call into your life but are too afraid to say out loud?
At times we’re so filled with fear that we are ashamed to even put a voice to our desires. We may not even know that it’s our hidden fears that are holding us back.
You are, and have always been, a perfect divine being with limitless potential capable of infinite possibilities. At this moment, the most empowering and meaningful road you can take is the one that leads to your most vibrant, magnificent, and fearless self.

In the Living Fearlessly Telecourse, Panache delivers FIVE – 90-minute interactive vibrational calls or “teleclasses.”
PLUS participants receive a FIVE-hour downloadable Living Fearlessly Course Companion and Study Guide that delivers wisdom, insight, vibrational exercises, meditations, movement exercises and much more to vibrationally support you each week and long after the course is completed.

Panache’s motivational teachings and helpful tools not only put you in vibrational resonance with yourself, but with everyone and everything around you, illuminating a path where fear is no longer a roadblock but a normal, flowing element of life. This exceptional telecourse promises to be a powerful vibrational expansion tool for years to come.
Awakening Vibrational Awareness
90-Minute Teleclass
Do you know your life is being hijacked by fear? Your desires may have been buried deep beneath your vibrational density, leaving you unfulfilled and chasing a dream you don’t think you deserve. Panache connects you with what you truly want in life and helps you to find clarity around it. With his gentle guidance, you’ll be able to identify your fears, shift your energies around them, and lovingly awaken the spectacular abundance you’ve always possessed.PART 2 - RELINQUISHING THE "F" WORD
Removing Failure from Your Vocabulary
90-Minute Teleclass
The worries that throttle happiness usually stem from fear of the dreaded “F” word: failure. If we’re constantly dodging or fleeing the perceived darkness of failure, we are not fully living in our luminous present. Panache’s vibrational tools help you step beyond your comfort zone and recognize what you think is a pitfall may actually be an incredible gift in disguise.PART 3 - GOING OUT ON A LIMB
Claiming The Voice of Possibility
90-Minute Teleclass
“I want to learn to play the piano.” “I want to spend a month in Barcelona.” “I want to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro.”Are you afraid to give your deepest desires a voice because you feel there’s no possibility of them coming to fruition? How will your dreams ever come true if you never make your voice heard? Tonight, Panache imparts effective vibrational attunements that allows you to courageously express what you truly want in life, claim your fearlessness, and joyously leap into your boundless possibility.PART 4 - THE VIBRATION OF EFFORTLESS EXPANSION
Surfing Your Endless Ocean of Potential
90-Minute Teleclass
During this vibrationally infused 90 minute session, Panache guides you through a meditative journey that opens the lockbox of unfulfilled dreams and adventures. Spoken guided imagery as well as energy filled silence help you tune into your inner voice and reconnect you with your deepest desires. Tonight you cross the threshold of access and courageously claim the endless potential that exists inside you.PART 5 - Q&A WITH PANACHE
90-Minute Teleclass
In the final installment of this life-changing course, we conducted a live teleconferenced question and answer session with Panache that enables you to bring into harmony anywhere in your life where you are still challenged. Receive the answers to questions that have had you stuck and receive the vibrational support from Panache and the Living Fearlessly 2015 participants. Listen in, celebrate your discoveries, and feel the frequency of love.

This dynamic 5-hour vibrationally infused, downloadable Course Companion and Study Guide set the foundation for your Living Fearlessly telecourse. Through a combination of spoken word, energy, meditations, music, and integrations, these five – one hour downloadable recordings provide a vibrational roadmap that empowers you to live fearlessly in every area of life and living. To receive the maximum benefit of the Living Fearlessly classes and materials, Panache recommends listening to the entire 5 hours of Course Companion audio prior to the beginning of the course.
1-Hour Downloadable Vibrational Breakthrough Experience
To “choose brilliance” means to accept the life you’ve lived and make room for the marvelous journey ahead. Avoiding any unresolved area of your being inhibits your happiness. Clinging to that impediment only keeps you from the joy that’s waiting in the wings. Move forward and celebrate the wonderful life that’s waiting for you.FROM UNACHIEVABLE TO UNBELIEVABLE
1-Hour Downloadable Vibrational Breakthrough Experience
Are you mired down with incessant thoughts of lack, fear, and impossibility? Shifting your energy from “unachievable” to “unbelievable” jumpstarts your vibrational frequency, placing you on the path to abundance and joy while indicating to the world your readiness to leap into a magnificent, fulfilled existence.EVERY DAY I WRITE THE SCRIPT –7 MEDITATIONS FOR EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK
7 – 10 Minute Downloadable Daily Meditations
These daily meditations remind you to check in with yourself and direct your vibrational energy toward living fearlessly every day of the week. Each meditation focuses on a different key area of life and lovingly reminds you throughout the day that fear and doubt are not the authors of your life story. That script is perfectly written by you.DISSOLVING OUR SHADOW FEARS –UNCOVERING OUR BURIED JOY
1-Hour guided meditation and integration
We may not know it, but past hurts and humiliations from years or even decades ago may still be haunting us, stealthily hiding in the shadows and undermining our confidence and joy. Panache helps shine a light on your past wounds and shifts your vibrational energy around them, enabling you to step out of the shadow of fear and into your true, radiant perfection.VIBRATIONAL DANCE JAM – MOVING IN THE FACE OF FEAR
2 – 30 minute Downloadable Vibrational Movement and Music Experiences
This pair of interactive, 30-minute vibrational dance tracks let you “bust a move” as the warm up and cool down tracks exercise and reorient the brain to act in the presence of fear. Any type movement is beneficial so there’s no need to overexert yourself. Join the dance jam, have a blast, and align your heart and soul with the spirit of fearless living.

Meet Panache Desai – Your Vibrational Catalyst and Teacher
Panache is a transformational catalyst who guides people to access their authentic, essential nature. He has a global community of more than 500,000 and has appeared with Oprah Winfrey on her Emmy Award-winning series Super Soul Sunday as well as the OWN Series Help Desk.
He has collaborated and worked alongside industry leaders like Deepak Chopra, Iyanla Vanzant, Arianna Huffington, Ram Dass, Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith, Gregg Braden, Joe Dispenza, Neale Donald Walsch, Elizabeth Lesser, Brian Weiss, Alan Cohen and James Redfield.
Panache has been the featured keynote speaker at I Can Do It, Celebrate Your Life, The Sun Valley Wellness Festival and a featured speaker at Arianna Huffington’s Third Metric Conference.
He is a frequent contributor to numerous online publications and is on faculty at the Omega Institute and Kripalu Center. Panache is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, and has addressed the United Nations. His first book, Discovering Your Soul Signature: A 33-Day Path to Purpose, Passion and Joy, is a bestseller and is now in its 6th reprint. It has been translated into 10 languages.
Panache is a successful spiritual entrepreneur, devoted husband, father of four, and son. He has been on a spiritual path for 37 years. He brings a multifaceted approach with deep experience and a profound energetic connection to all his work. The insights Panache shares are rooted in ancient teachings combined with modern principles of quantum physics. His perspective is refreshingly non-judgmental, approachable and expansive– truly meeting you where you are and enabling you to grow from there.

Disclaimer: The information provided in Panache’s programs is not offered as medical or psychological advice and should not be considered medical or psychological advice. It is not intended to replace your relationship with your health care providers nor should you stop taking any medication. Always seek the advice of a physician or qualified health care professional regarding any mental, physical, or emotional conditions