Do You Want A Band-Aid or Total Transformation?
New Year’s resolutions are like the one-night stand of transformation. They are the most superficial attempt you can make at shifting your life. With a glass of champagne and a wing and a prayer, each one of us hopes that our lives will magically transform as we usher in another chapter beginning January 1st. I’m offering you something more. Something deeper. Something all encompassing.
If you are ready to make a six day commitment to yourself and reap the bounty of total transformation, I promise that the shifts and changes you will experience will transform the very fabric of your reality.
Total Transformation From The Inside Out
As a vibrational being, everything in your life… your body, your relationships… your finances… and in your reality is constantly shifting, changing and evolving. Even more exciting, with the birth of a New Year, planet earth is also experiencing greater vibrational possibilities. The planet is being elevated to support each of us in fully embodying total transformation. The universe of possibilities is doing everything in its power to move you into more.
You are being empowered to live the life of your dreams. If you are ready to make a real commitment to yourself and reap the miracles of total transformation this January, let’s make a 6-Day Commitment together.
I’m honored to be your guide. Create the space for all you’ve ever wanted and all you’re meant to be and embody your divine glory. Join me for my Deep Density Detox and ignite something incredible!
My Deep Density Detox is a very special program for a very special individual. It’s different from my other programs because of the intensity with which we detox your solidified density, while inviting energetic expansion, in just 6 days!
Throughout this vibrational boot-camp, I share intensive teachings, powerful meditations and transformative sleep support. All of this directed, intensified vibrational work is created to deliver one result… for you to experience the greatest shifts and changes possible.
Every Day Of The Deep Density Detox Program You Will Receive:

With every potential expansion into greater possibilities, you must face the polarity or accompanying fear that keeps you distanced from what it is you deeply desire. For example, with the greater possibility of prosperity comes the fear of not being able to manage the wealth or ultimately losing it all. With the possibility of deep emotional intimacy comes the fear of being rejected and heartbroken. In order to experience a greater life you must first open up to experience your density, every unprocessed emotion that keeps you stuck in your current experience. It takes an extraordinary level of commitment to break free of the familiar and courage to fly into the unknown, trusting that the life of your dreams is waiting.
Your perceived failures do not define you. In our most extreme moments of humanity, we secretly feel the need to be impaled by a broadsword in justification for our mistakes, misdeeds and transgressions. Failed marriages, career setbacks, financial disasters, public humiliations and (fill in your own hit list of deficits and shortcomings) – none of these experiences have been in vain. It is through the experience of contrast that you align with your soul’s agenda and more often than not, we must experience what isn’t in alignment so that we can tangibly know what is. In freeing yourself of how life has been, you can now be empowered to open to fully receive future dreams, goals and successes.
In the middle of a business meeting, your boss raises his voice in sharp disagreement to your proposal. Instead of being able to respond, you are transported back to every screaming match you ever had with your ex-husband who continually shamed you for being too stupid to manage your own life, let alone those of your family. The trigger of your boss’s loud voice and sharp tone transports you back to the conclusion that he too sees you as irresponsible and unable to make sound decisions. Instead of relating to the experience as it’s happening, you are relating to the experience through the lens of your unprocessed density which keeps you trapped in victimhood. Living in courage doesn’t mean that you won’t feel your pain but rather you will remain rooted to your inner connection above and beyond all else.
When you look in the mirror what do you see? Is the reflection one of self-love or do you see yourself through the judgements that others have spoken over you? Often these judgements were conveyed by individuals who you placed in a position of power and authority: mothers, fathers, relatives, teachers, coaches or religious leaders, all who have spoken a gospel of separation over you. “You’re stupid… too fat… too skinny… too lazy… too emotional… too flashy… too frivolous….” As a result, over time, you’ve bought into a version of reality that constantly undermines your innate divine perfection. Today we turn the tables.
You are here to live suffused with wakefulness and aliveness. To not just survive but thrive. To be infused with joy, enthusiasm, inspiration, creativity and a zest for life. All of these states of being are not accidental. They are the BYPRODUCT of one of the most fundamental aspects of being human – and yet an area, up to now you won’t prioritize: Self-care and Self-love. When these life-affirming behaviors are engaged in everyday, your life becomes miraculous.
Everything in your life is Divine. Embracing this essential truth activates your ability to cultivate a sense of openness and unreasonable appreciation for everything that life presents. Gratitude allows you to end the false perception of fear, lack and scarcity and allows you to transcend the illusion of duality and firmly live a life that is aligned with the highest principle.

Meet Panache Desai – Your Vibrational Catalyst and Teacher
Panache is a transformational catalyst who guides people to access their authentic, essential nature. He has a global community of more than 500,000 and has appeared with Oprah Winfrey on her Emmy Award-winning series Super Soul Sunday as well as the OWN Series Help Desk.
He has collaborated and worked alongside industry leaders like Deepak Chopra, Iyanla Vanzant, Arianna Huffington, Ram Dass, Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith, Gregg Braden, Joe Dispenza, Neale Donald Walsch, Elizabeth Lesser, Brian Weiss, Alan Cohen and James Redfield.
Panache has been the featured keynote speaker at I Can Do It, Celebrate Your Life, The Sun Valley Wellness Festival and a featured speaker at Arianna Huffington’s Third Metric Conference.
He is a frequent contributor to numerous online publications and is on faculty at the Omega Institute and Kripalu Center. Panache is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, and has addressed the United Nations. His first book, Discovering Your Soul Signature: A 33-Day Path to Purpose, Passion and Joy, is a bestseller and is now in its 6th reprint. It has been translated into 10 languages.
Panache is a successful spiritual entrepreneur, devoted husband, father of four, and son. He has been on a spiritual path for 37 years. He brings a multifaceted approach with deep experience and a profound energetic connection to all his work. The insights Panache shares are rooted in ancient teachings combined with modern principles of quantum physics. His perspective is refreshingly non-judgmental, approachable and expansive– truly meeting you where you are and enabling you to grow from there.

Disclaimer: The information provided in Panache’s programs is not offered as medical or psychological advice and should not be considered medical or psychological advice. It is not intended to replace your relationship with your health care providers nor should you stop taking any medication. Always seek the advice of a physician or qualified health care professional regarding any mental, physical, or emotional conditions