Panache Desai’s mission to end suffering on all levels includes his commitment to supporting the financial advancement of all people through the conscious recognition that a life lived in connection naturally opens up greater promotion, increase and prosperity.
This is your invitation to experience a deepening connection within your being and a profound clarity around your desires, while aligning your financial dreams with powerful emotion. Through this process you will expand your personal frequency and accelerate and galvanize your personal cycle of wealth creation.
It is your destiny to be both fully conscious and dynamically wealthy.
Every day, splashed across newspapers, scrolling across the internet and evidenced among your closest family and friends, are the compelling reasons why it seems practically impossible to create wealth, experience financial freedom, or even dream about personal prosperity.
But that story of financial struggle and limitation need not be your reality.
The truth is, even in the harshest of economic conditions, people make money. And some of them are the most unlikely of individuals.
Are you ready to claim your power to affect radical financial prosperity in your own life?
In Panache Desai’s brand new seven-part Master Series, DYNAMIC WEALTH CREATION, he will unveil the truth that when you recession proof your consciousness, you are setting yourself up to capitalize on opportunities that the majority of the planet aren’t capable of even seeing.
When you are in alignment with your essential nature of abundance, you have the ability to allow the full creative power of source energy to manifest dynamic abundance in your life. When you hold the non-aligned energies of lack, unworthiness and limitation, you limit the full expression of abundance. When you are in alignment with your essential self whose nature is expansion and more abundance, there are no limits or obstacles to the creation of dynamic wealth.
Yes, you are that powerful.
Spiritual attraction is not a fantasy. It is the most powerful force at your disposal but sadly, in the majority of cases, occurs on the deepest most unconscious level, the repository of your core beliefs. In the unconscious, you will find the accumulation of all of your emotional experiences, the influential impressions of those who powerfully figured in your life, your religious conditioning, societal norms, family legacy, philosophies and your sense of self-worth. These limiting thoughts, beliefs and core values create strong barriers to receiving dynamic wealth. For example, you can consciously think you deserve 30 million dollars but in the presence of that thought, every form of internal resistance that you have to that reality begins to arise. Until you end your inner resistance to receiving, your prosperity and financial freedom will remain severely limited. Your subconscious influences over 90 percent of your life without you even being aware of it.
The great news is that once you become aware of what is holding you back, you can take control of your subconscious and through vibration and frequency, shift your financial blueprint.
Here’s what you need to know:
The only restrictions you will experience are the limits you have placed on yourself. These limits are illusory, but powerful. However, with your expanded vibration, you can be empowered to replace your limiting beliefs with empowered truths that move you toward the financial goals you deeply desire.
“With clarity on an energetic level and an alignment of the conscious and subconscious, you can get anything you want in life.” – Panache

Panache offers a BRAND NEW, transformational Master Series that will empower you to shift all of the ways in which you are undermining your ability to live in full connection and align with dynamic wealth creation.
This online Master Series offers an unparalleled opportunity to work with Panache – to receive the wisdom, insight and vibrational tools typically shared during his exclusive, 6-Day destination Immersions. Bank on the opportunity to work through the stubborn vibrational density that keeps the blocks and obstacles that stop the infinite stream of wealth from flowing into your life in place.
This is your year of transformation. Get ready to experience a shift into a higher energetic frequency while Panache empowers you to access your most authentic self; that part of you that is already encoded for dynamic wealth creation and financial liberation. Through this Master Series, he will provide the understanding, the tools and the vibrational support to catalyze massive shifts and create your most abundant life.
Use these audio tools to prepare you to make the most of the online Master Series beginning May 2, 2016 and support your dynamic wealth creation process once the course is completed. Panache delivers a compendium of 7+ hours of downloadable wisdom, teachings, insights, vibrational exercises, activations, visualizations and meditations to vibrationally support you in living your most dynamically abundant life.

1-Hour Downloadable Teaching and Integration
Accept Panache’s Challenge. Today you create not just a new belief, but a new reality, one in which dynamic wealth is fully accessed within and fully expressed in your life. Accept the vibrational activations that realign your entire being for wealth accumulation. Right now you are blocking the consciously creative process because you are constantly vibrationally in conflict. In the absence of inner-harmony and alignment, with your nature as abundance, the experience of financial prosperity remains distanced from you.

1-Hour Downloadable Teaching and Activation
Your natural ability to bring into being your greatest financial prosperity is impaired by your contracted focus on what’s missing. Get clear about your intentions and the outcomes you choose to create. Harness the creative power of imagination and focus your energy on the life you wish to create. Act as if these intentions are your reality now.

1-Hour Downloadable Teaching and Activation
Identify your greatest triggers and blocks and learn how to integrate the density that is keeping prosperity and wealth creation from manifesting. Alleviate the constriction that keeps you from accessing the goals you desire. This integration allows for expansion of personal frequency which empowers you to attract greater possibility.

1-Hour Guided Teaching and Activation
Your conscious wants and desires and your subconscious intentions must be in complete alignment. Illuminate the subconscious so that your untapped potential can be utilized to further your journey of wealth creation.

7 Timeless Daily Meditations
Use these meditations to create a daily practice that establishes dynamic wealth as your set point. The continual elevation of your personal frequency serves as a magnet for your greatest desires.

1-Hour Guided Teaching and Activation
Think beyond your daily needs and wants. Vibrationally expand your possibilities to create a compelling reason for dynamic wealth creation. Allow your passion to be the springboard to help others. Become the biggest container for wealth and in doing so transcend your own personal needs. Allow your frequency to expand to bring that greater reason into being.

1-Hour Guided Teaching and Activation
Activate the power of gratitude in the process of manifesting dynamic prosperity before it ever even begins to appear in your reality. Immerse yourself in the feeling, the gratitude and the experience of a life that reflects your vibrational potential. When you live in a state of flowing gratitude for things that haven’t even yet manifested, there is a constant elevation of your personal frequency and vibration.

On SEVEN evenings, Panache will deliver seven 90-minute Master Classes in which he will, through teachings, activations and alignments, expand on the vibrational foundation provided in the Course Companion. They will be available for your own audio library for listening at your convenience. Each of these classes is a vibrational tool meant to be used as a resource once the course is completed.

90-Minute Master Class
It is your destiny to be BOTH fully conscious and dynamically wealthy. The source of financial prosperity that you seek already resides within you. But any financial shortfall or hardship is a symptom of something within you limiting the expression of your abundance. In order to be financially prosperous, you must first unlock your vibrational potential and activate and align with your wealth consciousness.

90-Minute Master Class
Universal consciousness doesn’t stand in judgment about how much money you desire or how big a life you wish to create; it is made up of choiceless awareness who’s nature it is to express abundance freely and fully. To experience dynamic prosperity you must be in alignment with your essential nature and allow its full expression in your life. When you are vibrationally in alignment with your authentic nature, gain clarity about your goals, and amplify the strongest signal using your elevated personal frequency, abundance naturally and fully expresses in your life. When you experience connection within and clarity about your desires, and align them with powerful emotion, you galvanize and accelerate the cycle of wealth creation.

90-Minute Master Class
Money is not the root of all evil. But any limiting belief that you have around dynamic wealth creation or your level of self-worth creates obstacles and blocks to receiving all you desire. If you are not attaining the financial goals you desire, rest assured that you are being blocked by at least one of the obstacles Panache will share with you. Once you vibrationally eliminate your personal blocks, dynamic prosperity can’t help but flow toward you.

90-Minute Master Class
Remember, to be divine also means having the financial prosperity to be a vehicle for the upliftment of others. But to achieve this dynamic wealth, you must move into complete alignment on two separate levels; your personal frequency and emotion, and your conscious and subconscious beliefs. On a quantum level, like vibration attracts like vibration. High frequency, positive energy attracts glorious outcomes, while low frequency, limiting energy attracts lack, fear and scarcity. Whatever you focus on with intensity and power serves as a clarion call to the Universe and sets in motion that equivalent to return to your life. The mastery of financial freedom and personal prosperity can only come about when there’s vibrational clarity and conscious and subconscious alignment.

90-Minute Master Class
Think wealth. Feel wealth. Vibrate wealth. Be wealth. Commit to a multisensory and a vibrationaly rich daily practice to activate, empower and supercharge your emotions, thoughts, words and personal frequency with all you wish to create. Elevate not only your wealth possibilities, but watch your joy quotient skyrocket as well. Trade in your apathy. Take charge and surpass all your limitations.

90-Minute Master Class
Dynamic prosperity is the Divine’s tool on this earth for you to become a vessel or vehicle through which wealth comes into this world to be redistributed for the upliftment of others. Expand your personal frequency to connect with those passions that inspire you to do more, be more and impact the world with your unique soul signature.

90-Minute Master Class
When you begin to live in a state of non-resistance and appreciation, you eradicate any restrictions around the flow of energy in your body. When you are able to practice, integrate and embody gratitude, you become fully empowered in your ability to vibrate the energy you wish to experience. Dynamic wealth. Abundance in every area. Limitless joy. Passion and purpose. Universal consciousness is waiting to deliver it all.

Meet Panache Desai – Your Vibrational Catalyst and Teacher
Panache is a transformational catalyst who guides people to access their authentic, essential nature. He has a global community of more than 500,000 and has appeared with Oprah Winfrey on her Emmy Award-winning series Super Soul Sunday as well as the OWN Series Help Desk.
He has collaborated and worked alongside industry leaders like Deepak Chopra, Iyanla Vanzant, Arianna Huffington, Ram Dass, Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith, Gregg Braden, Joe Dispenza, Neale Donald Walsch, Elizabeth Lesser, Brian Weiss, Alan Cohen and James Redfield.
Panache has been the featured keynote speaker at I Can Do It, Celebrate Your Life, The Sun Valley Wellness Festival and a featured speaker at Arianna Huffington’s Third Metric Conference.
He is a frequent contributor to numerous online publications and is on faculty at the Omega Institute and Kripalu Center. Panache is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, and has addressed the United Nations. His first book, Discovering Your Soul Signature: A 33-Day Path to Purpose, Passion and Joy, is a bestseller and is now in its 6th reprint. It has been translated into 10 languages.
Panache is a successful spiritual entrepreneur, devoted husband, father of four, and son. He has been on a spiritual path for 37 years. He brings a multifaceted approach with deep experience and a profound energetic connection to all his work. The insights Panache shares are rooted in ancient teachings combined with modern principles of quantum physics. His perspective is refreshingly non-judgmental, approachable and expansive– truly meeting you where you are and enabling you to grow from there.

Disclaimer: The information provided in Panache’s programs is not offered as medical or psychological advice and should not be considered medical or psychological advice. It is not intended to replace your relationship with your health care providers nor should you stop taking any medication. Always seek the advice of a physician or qualified health care professional regarding any mental, physical, or emotional conditions