What is Your Vibration Saying About You?
I wish I could have the career I really want.
I want to fully express my creativity.
If only I could be my true self.
While we say we want to embrace the genuine reflection of our soul, live passionately, and manifest all our desires, our vibrational energy often indicates otherwise. Social pressure to conform, past conditioning from our families, and our own conviction that we’re not worthy of happiness or fulfillment block our efforts, contract our vibration and keep our hopes and dreams out of reach. We feel if we can be all things to all people and make everyone love us, then we’ll arrive at our true, authentic self.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Looking outside and seeking the approval of others won’t bring authenticity but living true to yourself will. Here are three steps to ignite authenticity, honor your inner truth and spark the real you.
Get Gutsy
Embracing authenticity takes courage – lots of it. Shifting our energy toward the truth of who we are frees us from living the life that others project onto us and empowers us to be ourselves – WITHOUT APOLOGY. As we begin to access the strength to come into our own, a lot of people may not like it one bit. When we no longer own the image that others have pinned on us, it can be unnerving to family members, dear friends and close co-workers. We may be tempted to revert to old habits to please our tribe, but if we hang tough and bravely face the fear of disappointing or riling those around us with our newfound confidence, we’re one step closer to living our truth.
Heed The Oracle
There are two words inscribed on the entrance to the oracle’s chamber at the Temple of Apollo: “Know Thyself.” The advice intended for the ancient Greeks remains true today. Authenticity can’t be realized until we truly know ourselves. Our unique, zigzagging road toward knowing (and more importantly I would tell you REMEMBERING) who we are never really ends. But if we are willing to consciously look deep within and own every single thought, foible, passion, and heartache, our vibration expands exponentially and we grow more every day. Facing ourselves can be daunting, painful, even scary, but if we dive deep and suspend our fears, doubts, and self-judgments, we’re embarking on a magnificent path to fulfillment. Heed the oracle. Boldly accept and embrace your life, make peace with your perceived imperfections and feel a river of peace flow through you.
Fall In Love With You
Authenticity means honoring and cherishing ourselves with abandon. When we love ourselves, our trivial woes and worries lose their potency. Concerns and fears will still arise but vibrationally we meet them from a place of spaciousness and calm. We no longer run from our fear but stand self-assured knowing we can navigate whatever comes our way. Our life belongs to us; created by our divine, authentic selves and illuminated by the light, truth, and love of the real you.
And so it is.