Soul Support 2018 - This is the year of Radical Radiance - 2018 holds the intention of Liberation, knowing that you, are the light of the Divine

Soul Support 2018 – Radical Inner Radiance – Promo Video from Panache Desai on Vimeo.

Join Panache for 12 Months of Soul-Guided Wisdom, Teachings, Meditations, Activations and Integrations.

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Soul Support is a container for grace; the power of liberation

Soul Support represents a year-long commitment to being immersed in divine energy. It is pure Vibrational Transformation – experiencing and understanding liberation.

In this year of Radical Inner Radiance, Soul Support is a powerful way to connect throughout the year with the energy of the Enlightenment Course and the movement of the entire community into Brahman Consciousness.

Panache has recently been speaking about the importance of repeated immersion in that sacred energy and understanding the depths of this knowledge. Soul Support allows you to be immersed in the sacred energy and understand the wisdom of the path to liberation throughout the year. Soul Support is a container for grace; the power of liberation.

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Guidance from Panache for every month - Soul Support 2018 - Panache DesaiEach month explore the most advanced teachings Panache has ever given

January – Thrive

Living in a state of realization of your full Divine light dissolves resistance and allows the full manifestation of divine power to fully express through you and as you. Thriving becomes the natural outcome of complete connection.

July – Divine Expansion

Evolution and expansion are the nature of life. When you move into the flow and momentum of the river of divine manifestation, that flow of energy and intelligence allows your life to effortlessly fulfill your divine purpose.

February – Pure Joy

To be engulfed permanently in your complete inner radiance allows the ever-new joy of your divine Self to manifest, becoming the foundational experience you live in. The light of the Self is always experienced as pure joy.

August – Graceful Balance

Stress and resistance occur when your life is out of balance. Living in the energy of oneness restores divine balance and allows your life to regain its natural peace, fulfillment and purpose. Then grace, the power of remembrance and full connection, becomes the driving force in your life.

March – Vital Recognition

Recognizing your divinity unleashes the power and intelligence of universal consciousness. All limitations fall away as you become the vehicle through which universal intelligence expresses.

September – Magnified Wonder

When you see the world and yourself through the glasses of radical divine radiance everything is filled with wonder because you and the world are recognized as divine. Every moment is seen as the unfolding and expansion of divinity. Then the natural outcome of all expression is love, compassion and joy.

April – Love Amplified

Love, as the initial expression of consciousness into manifestation, is your essential nature. When you remove all that separates you from your essential Self, love envelopes all that you are and all that you do.

October – Boundless Bliss

Bliss is never static or dependent upon your situation or mood. It is the ever-new, ever-expanding, completely independent state of your Self. Connection to your inner radiance allows complete connection to the natural bliss of unity consciousness.

May – Effortless Expression

As your inner radiance manifests more and more fully, you become the natural expression of the divine in this world. When separation ends, divinity effortlessly expresses its perfection into reality through you.

November – Amplified Connectedness

Being in the divine energy radically quickens the integration of oneness, a state of complete connectedness to your divinity. As this state becomes established the experience of separation dissolves, replaced by the natural experience of your true, authentic and all-encompassing Self.

June – Intuitive Wisdom

Intuition arises from the connection of human and divine. It is the finest form of unified intelligence expressing. In connection, wisdom becomes the foundational wellspring of all expression.

December – Enlightened Living

Enlightenment is permanently living in the radical inner radiance of your divine Self. This is your natural state. This is the state you were always intended to live in. This is your true destiny.

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What's Included - Soul Support 2018 - Panache Desai
Item 1 - Soul Support - 12 All New Monthly video(s)

Item 1


Panache will deliver a new, 60 minute video teaching and activation each month on various areas of transformation. These immersive teachings from Panache will deepen your understanding and expand your direct experience of the Self. Watch and re-watch these profound videos and repeatedly immerse yourself in the Divine energy.

Item 2 -Soul Support - 4 New 20-Minute Audio Meditation Recordings

Item 2


Ride the waves of vibrational energy as Panache takes you into deep meditation four times a month. These meditations set the experiential foundation for the month and enable you to connect to Being. Listen to one meditation a week or use all four as you see fit. There’s a new set every 30 days!

Item 3 - Soul Support - 4 LIVE 60-Minute Presence Sessions – One Each Quarter

Item 3


Uplevel your vibrational frequency by attuning to the resonance of Divine love while sitting in presence with Panache as he vibrates at the highest level. These quarterly presence sessions are like gentle waves of love that immerse you in the Divine.

Item 4 - Soul Support - 12 Monthly Inspirational Mantras and Visuals

Item 4


Focus your attention during your daily practice with beautiful visuals encoded with the energy and wisdom of the theme of each month. Enhance your surroundings by printing out these beautifully designed visual reminders. Be consistently reminded of your Divine perfection and inherent oneness.

Item 5 - Soul Support - Deepening Vibrational Support Tools

Item 5


Each month receive 4 contemplations to explore through journaling to anchor the monthly teachings and the vibrational attunements of each meditation. Access whenever you need support for inspiration, vibrational expansion and connection.

Item 6 - Soul Support - 12 Monthly Live Transcendence Sessions

Item 6


Transcendence is the keystone for transformation. Go beyond your limitations and step into a place of limitless possibility. Experience the silence of pure Being with Panache each month to accelerate your awakening and align with greater possibilities and outcomes for your life.

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About Panache Desai - Radical Inner Radiance
Panache Desai - Transformational Catalyst

Panache is a transformational catalyst who guides people to access their authentic, essential nature. He has a global community of more than 500,000 and has appeared with Oprah Winfrey on her Emmy Award-winning series Super Soul Sunday as well as the OWN Series Help DeskHe has collaborated and worked alongside industry leaders like Deepak Chopra, Iyanla Vanzant, Arianna Huffington, Ram Dass, Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith, Gregg Braden, Joe Dispenza, Neale Donald Walsch, Elizabeth Lesser, Brian Weiss, Alan Cohen and James Redfield. Panache has been the featured keynote speaker at I Can Do It, Celebrate Your Life, The Sun Valley Wellness Festival and a featured speaker at Arianna Huffington’s Third Metric Conference.

He is a frequent contributor to numerous online publications and is on faculty at the Omega Institute and Kripalu Center. Panache is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, and has addressed the United Nations. His first book, Discovering Your Soul Signature: A 33-Day Path to Purpose, Passion and Joy, is a bestseller and is now in its 6th reprint. It has been translated into 10 languages.

Panache is a successful spiritual entrepreneur, devoted husband, father of four, and son. He has been on a spiritual path for 37 years. He brings a multifaceted approach with deep experience and a profound energetic connection to all his work. The insights Panache shares are rooted in ancient teachings combined with modern principles of quantum physics. His perspective is refreshingly non-judgmental, approachable and expansive– truly meeting you where you are and enabling you to grow from there.

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Disclaimer: The information provided in Panache’s programs is not offered as medical or psychological advice and should not be considered medical or psychological advice. It is not intended to replace your relationship with your health care providers nor should you stop taking any medication. Always seek the advice of a physician or qualified health care professional regarding any mental, physical, or emotional conditions.