Introducing Transformational Catalyst Panache Desai’s Most Life Changing Work Yet…

Learn to Become the Master of Your
Thoughts Rather than a Slave to Them…

In this 25 Day Journey with Panache, You’ll Be
Empowered to Create New Neural Pathways
to Support You in Ending the Monkey Mind…


Peace of Mind – Promo 2 from Panache Desai on Vimeo.


Why Peace of Mind?

Finally, Tame the Monkey Mind and End the
CeaselessMental Chatter that Keeps You from Inner
Peace, Harmony, Balance and Total Empowerment…

  • box-1Make peace with destructive emotional habits
  • box-3Experience deep connection
    to the world around you
  • box-2Expand your personal frequency
    and rewire your brain for success

Panache’s first ever Personal Empowerment Course invites you to commit to a fully supported 25-day training program designed to empower and support you to:

Silence endless mental chatter
Eliminate resistance and judgment
Vibrationally restructure the way you live your life

  • Vibrationally anchor higher frequency thought patterns
  • Quiet the monkey mind
  • Help you to finally feel at peace in your internal and external reality
  • Let go of resistance and judgment and shift your life from chaos to calm
  • Break down the mental constructs holding you back from connection
  • Train your mind to create thoughts that work for you instead of against you

This course is for anyone who wants to
find peace from endless worry and anxiety



Panache Desai is a world renowned thought leader, visionary and spiritual teacher. Through his gift of vibrational transformation he empowers people with the experience and understanding of their limitless nature.

As a vibrational catalyst Panache has touched the hearts of millions and helps people to discover their infinite potential every single day through his programs, live events, and writings.

He is a highly sought-after speaker, author and teacher and has appeared on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday, addressed the United Nations Enlightenment Society and collaborated with internationally recognized spiritual teachers like Ram Dass, Neale Donald Walsch, Alan Cohen and many more.

The insights Panache shares are rooted in ancient teachings combined with modern principles of quantum physics. His perspective is refreshingly non-judgemental, approachable and expansive, truly meeting you where you are and enabling you to grow from there.


An Invitation to Step into Your Mastery…

panache-desai-peace-of-mind-man-in-field-freedomHow can knowledge and power be accessed and expressed fully when your mind is thinking non-stop from a place of resistance and judgment?

How is it possible to connect with peace and harmony when your mind is flooded with stress-inducing thoughts and non-stop emotional upsets?

Humanity is ready for individuals who fully embody
the power and knowledge to transform the planet…


Awaken the spark of divinity within so that true balance and harmony can be restored.

This is the catalyst that allows creativity and innovation to flourish, and the highest expression of humanity to be fully realized.

It’s all possible, and it all begins with MASTERY OVER YOUR MIND


How Much Is Your Mind Running Your Life?

  • Your mind is filled with ceaseless thoughts about the fight you had with your partner 2 nights ago.
  • You take a much needed vacation but can’t disconnect from the constant worry that you will be passed over for the promotion.
  • You sit on the white sand beach checking your emails every 10 minutes worrying about the future instead of letting go and enjoying the present.
  • You sit down to meditate but your mind won’t stop racing. I thought this was supposed to be peaceful?
  • Is there something wrong with me? You’re on deadline for a work project but you can’t focus.
  • Your mind is filled with ceaseless thoughts about the fight you had with your partner 2 nights ago.
  • You take a much needed vacation but can’t disconnect from the constant worry that you will be passed over for the promotion.
  • You sit on the white sand beach checking your emails every 10 minutes worrying about the future instead of letting go and enjoying the present.
  • You sit down to meditate but your mind won’t stop racing. I thought this was supposed to be peaceful?
  • Is there something wrong with me? You’re on deadline for a work project but you can’t focus.
  • You want so badly to buy a new car but the bills haven’t been paid this month and you’re starting to fall into a major deficit.
  • All you can think about is the lack of money and everything you DON’T have.
  • The news is blaring from the TV in the background as you try to cook dinner, clean the kitchen and fold laundry simultaneously.
  • You’re teenager has broken your trust and you can’t move past the fear that something horrible is going to happen.
  • You keep over thinking and letting the guilt that you did something wrong in raising them mask their apology and attempt to reconcile.

Create a New Mindset of
Harmony and Balance

Your thoughts never end.
No matter how hard you try to silence them you’re continually bombarded.
This is the monkey mind.

It swings from branch to branch holding your peace of mind in hand. It doesn’t sit still for very long, if at all, and it’s constantly distracted by likes and dislikes, judgements and resistance.

You’re not alone. Almost 7.2 billion people on the planet today suffer from this incessant mental chatter.

But what most don’t know is that you can retrain your brain and transform your mental state to one that allows you to vibrationally immerse your mind in peace, creating a new mind-set of harmony and balance.

Inner peace might seem like a far off destination when your life is a blur of over 3000 thoughts pulsing through your mind every hour. That’s 50 individual thoughts every minute!

But it is completely possible.

What You’ll Learn in Panache Desai’s
Life Mastery Mind Trainings…

When you train your mind with very specific practices
and teachings you can shift your mental state and
begin living your life from a calm, centered state.

Imagine the spaciousness of responding
to life instead of just reacting to it.

Peace of Mind is a 25 day training program, alternating a teaching day with a practice day, specifically designed to stop stress and anxiety, calm the monkey mind, improve brain function, and create inner peace, harmony and balance.


Once you are empowered to reclaim control over your thoughts you can fully realize that…

Happiness exists within you on a level of pure being.

You don’t have to DO anything.

Freedom exists within you like you’ve never before experienced.

The inner experience of peace and calm can blossom when you let go of attachment to things being a certain way.

In any moment you have the choice and the opportunity to vibrationally restructure the thoughts you feed yourself.

You can choose peaceful thoughts rooted in connection and manifest an outer experience just as beautiful as the inner one.

Because your inner vibration is always reflected as your outer reality.

You don’t have to be a slave to your thoughts.

You can release attachment and expectation in the same way that you would release a bird in a cage.

You can liberate yourself from the illusion that your thoughts are the truth.


Step into SELF-MASTERY and discover…

Nobody but YOU can free your mind. That’s why Panache has created this powerful Life Mastery program.

Panache will empower you to make the commitment to your Peace of Mind with a step by step method to enable you to do the inner work that makes transformation possible.

With access to his guidance and support you’ll have a daily map to guide you to a peaceful place you’ve never been before.


In this training you’ll learn life mastery skills that will transform your inner experience…

  • Move out of resistance and into complete acceptance of life
  • Consciously choose what to create within your mind instead of always being at the mercy of the monkey mind
  • Readjust your mental diet from junk food to the most nourishing, healthy brain food available
  • Integrate your inner experience with your outer one and feel the intimate connection of the two as your inner peace starts to manifest tangibly in your life
  • Become mindful of what vibrations you allow to enter your mind thereby shifting your entire vibration
  • Give yourself the foundation for a strong ongoing practice with lifetime access to these profound and practical teachings

Build a Strong Connection and Finally Access True Peace of Mind…

peace-of-mind-daily-program-activitiesDaily Practice is at the heart of this program.

You’ll receive TEACHINGS, ACTIVATIONS AND MEDITATIONS designed to completely retrain your mind into creating thoughts that nourish instead of deplete your energy.

Research on neuroplasticity has shown that the brain is malleable. You can rewire your brain to behave a certain way, to think thoughts that feed your soul and transform your life from the inside out.

You can train yourself to think positive thoughts that help you to move forward instead of remaining stuck in limiting beliefs that hold you back from your true potential.

Commitment, Consistency and Repetition is What it Takes to Master Your Thoughts

In this revolutionary program, over the course of 25 days, Panache will share:

12 hour-long subject specific trainings,
12 vibrationally-encoded activations
12 training reminders
12 powerful meditations
25 accountability emails
3 life-mastery deep dive sessions
1 hour-long foundational teaching
1 complete reference guide
1 quick reference guide

All created to systematically support you in making the greatest shifts to retrain and rewire your brain.

Panache empowers you with every tool you’ll ever need to walk the road to peace of mind every day for the rest of your life.


When Neuroplasticity Meets Vibrational
Transformation You’ve Got a Recipe for Tangible
Results that Show Up In Every Area of Your Life…

Most of the time it’s not your circumstances that cause you to think a certain way, it’s a pattern, a habit, and a limited way of thinking that you’ve been practicing since childhood.

It’s so deeply ingrained that you might sometimes feel imprisoned by your own thoughts…

But it doesn’t have to STAY that way.

Panache has combined the modern understanding of how the brain functions alongside the vibrational and energetic understanding of how you can deeply transform your life right down to the energetic AND cellular levels.

The thoughts we entertain have a profound effect on
our cells, the very building blocks of our physical wellness.

Dr. Emoto showed this with his experiments on how different phrases such as ‘I love you’ or ‘I hate you’ affect the molecular structure of water. The differences in the structures created by these two very different energies are dramatic.

Stem cell biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton showed this transformative capacity with his research into on how our perception and thoughts can literally change our body chemistry and that our genes are also affected by the thoughts and feelings we entertain.

All of this modern evidence shines a light on what the ancient mystics have always known…

“To a mind that is still the whole
Universe surrenders” – Lao Tzu

What if you gave yourself
permission to just BE?

You can access an entire Universe within you.
You can train your brain to look deeper, to seek truth over illusion, love over fear, connection over disconnection.
It’s all waiting for you…


What’s Included in Panache Desai’s
Life Mastery Mind Trainings Course:



Life Mastery Peace of Mind Trainings begin with 12 powerful, vibrationally-encoded, 60-minute teachings empowering you to quiet your mind, improve brain function, stop stress and anxiety while amplifying your ability to create inner peace.


Transformational catalyst, Panache Desai, delivers 12 powerful 20-minute vibrational activations to help you expand into a higher frequency, harmonize and improve the brain’s neurological functioning and powerfully support you to live in greater connection with your soul.


Start from the strongest vibrational foundation and with commitment, consistency and repetition begin to tame the monkey mind and master your thoughts. Panache unravels the complex reasons for why the mind thinks nonstop and establishes the basis for success in creating peace of mind.


The more you repeat any desired outcome the more you entrain yourself for success. These daily practice training reminders allow you to re-access the information, re-entrain your mind to the energy and to solidify new pathways and possibilities.


Stillness is at the foundation of Peace of Mind illuminated living. These accelerated vibrational meditations support you in energetically expanding your daily practice of ending stress and anxiety while improving mental clarity and mind training so that you function optimally in your daily life.


Panache is behind you every step of the way throughout this Peace of Mind training program. His daily support and encouragement keeps you on track expanding your ability to train the that you may experience the best possible outcomes. This kind of daily inspiration is essential for real transformation.


Three expansive 60-minute Life Mastery explorations empower you to dive even deeper into personal excellence, inner-peace and greater connection. Panache unravels the very fiber of complex topics, bringing them down to earth, to empower you to make a real impact in calming your thoughts and connecting with serenity.

complete reference guide

The journey to complete peace of mind and a deep sense of connection will continue with commitment, consistency and repetition. This booklet delivers a thorough overview of every lesson to serve as a powerful reminder whenever you feel yourself swayed by the monkey mind.


Here’s your quick reference version of Life Mastery Brain Training which you can print out and place in a familiar spot for daily support and reminders. Never forget that Peace of Mind is available to you at any time.


Peace of mind training is an ongoing commitment toward life mastery. Panache’s bonus meditation energetically encapsulates 24 days of teachings and activations into one vibrationally-encoded daily practice that will become your training tool from this point forward.



Worried that you’re too high-strung for something like this?

Regardless of how chaotic your life feels… This training will guide you
toward a systematic restructuring of the thoughts you allow to run your mind
and walk you towards a depth of serenity you never imagined possible.

  • “More at peace within myself.”
    People tell me I smile more, and I seem lighter. I notice that I am no longer hiding. I focus more on what I want in life rather than on what I don’t want. I feel at peace within myself.JEAN B. New York, NY
  • “Having an impact on this world!”
    The increase in the flow of my life and the synchronicities are mind-blowing! The ways that I notice other people responding to me, through both words and actions, shows me tangibly that I AM having an impact on this world!MARY W. Thornton, CO
  • “Letting go of control”
    I am letting go of control and living more fully in the present moment, allowing things to be as they are, accepting myself just as I am and be in the world more comfortably.CLAUDETTE V. Ardmore, OK
  • “Accepting what is”
    Accepting what is has helped me experience greater confidence through challenging choices I have made.KATHLEEN M. Montrose, NY

Ask Yourself…

Do you really want to stay stuck in the tug of war that your mind creates for you on a daily basis?

Your happiness shouldn’t be dependent on whether you’re getting what you want or not.

It should come from within you, and when it does, external influences loosen their grip and you can access personal expansion that will make the people around you wonder how can I do that too?

Experience the profound freedom that Peace of Mind can offer you and let your serenity grow deep roots to connect you with all that is

Frequently Asked Questions

Panache: If this is how you describe the activity in your mind then yes, this program will be so beneficial for you. How can you control your thoughts if you don’t know where they come from or what their purpose is?

This course contains every foundational teaching you could possibly need on creating peace of mind. Regardless of how chaotic your current reality is, this is the training that will put you on the path towards peace, no matter your external circumstances.

Join vibrational catalyst Panache Desai on the journey towards Peace

Energetically immerse your body, mind and soul in a way of being that’s free from the endless push and pull of attachment and aversion


Change starts with you.
Be empowered to access the peace, joy and calm abiding connection that exists within YOU!


Disclaimer: The information provided in Panache’s programs is not offered as medical or psychological advice and should not be considered medical or psychological advice. It is not intended to replace your relationship with your health care providers nor should you stop taking any medication. Always seek the advice of a physician or qualified health care professional regarding any mental, physical, or emotional conditions.

In accordance with the latest FTC guidelines, we want to make it explicitly clear that the customer letters we have received are based on the unique experiences and circumstances of a few people only. We cannot promise that you will experience similar benefits from using our product.